Transport Q+A with Metro Mayor Candidates for West of England

Transport Q+A with Metro Mayor Candidates for West of England

Along with our client, The Urban Mobility Partnership (UMP) we are delighted to announce that we will be hosting an online hustings event focused on transport and air quality issues with the Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat candidates for Mayor of the West of...
Safe Homes for Women Leaving Prison heads to parliament

Safe Homes for Women Leaving Prison heads to parliament

Last week, as a part of our ongoing work for the Safe Homes for Women Leaving Prison initiative, we organised a virtual parliamentary ‘drop-in’ event which was attended by over 50 parliamentarians to draw attention to the crisis of up to 6 in 10 women released from...
The Budget and next steps for inbound tourism

The Budget and next steps for inbound tourism

Tendo Consulting Director Paul Gaffney was delighted to be asked to present to leading inbound trade body UKinbound, their members and trade media about the implications of the Budget on inbound tourism. Our presentation also outlined our views on the challenges...