We are delighted that several of the key recommendations highlighted in the APPG for the Ocean’s inquiry report into Blue Carbon have been echoed in DEFRA’s Environmental Improvement Plan 2023, which was published earlier this week.
We provide the secretariat for the APPG for the Ocean, and we were delighted to be involved in its first inquiry report, The Ocean: Turning the Tide on Climate Change, working closely with our client National Oceanography Centre and the APPG’s Chair Sally-Ann Hart.
This report made several key recommendations to Government, including the reduction of bottom trawling in Marine Protected Areas, creating Highly Protected Marine Areas, and working to include marine carbon storage – specifically saltmarsh and seagrass habitats – in the UK Greenhouse Gas Inventory all of which feature in the Government’s Environmental Improvement Plan 2023.
It is great to see the Government recognise the crucial role that blue carbon habitats can play in climate change adaptation and resilience.
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