DEFRA Secretary marks change in Government guidance

January 4, 2025 | Government Relations and Public Affairs

Following on from the news that the UK Government have backed calls made by our client Stop Sea Blasts and updated its policy guidance on clearances of old munitions, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs George Eustice MP joined Dame Joanna Lumley and Alford Tech to observe alternatives to high order detonations.

The decision taken in November follows months of campaigning by Tendo Consulting on behalf of the Stop Sea Blasts campaign and with the support of EODEX UK LTD, Marine Connection, Whale and Dolphin Conservation and World Cetacean Alliance, to highlight that loud and disruptive explosions cause needless harm to marine life.

 As a result of our campaign the Government guidance now states that clearances of old munitions on the seabed should take place using quiet, environmentally friendly disposal techniques.

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